Will the Discover feed be Google’s next cash cow? What advertisers are saying about Discovery campaigns

Will the Discover feed be Google’s next cash cow? What advertisers are saying about Discovery campaigns

Google Discover, launched a few years ago and still being refined, looks to more aggressively capture advertising revenue. Google is clearly going after the “feed” layout from the likes of Twitter and Facebook while fending off search pressure from DuckDuckGo and of course always monitoring completely new entrants to the digital world such as TikTok. Will be very interesting to see how this plays out, especially with half of organic searches resulting in zero clicks to publishers.

If you wanted to see a Google ad exec’s eyes light up last spring, you just had to bring up the Discover feed, the personalized news feed perched right on the Google mobile home page . The company announced ads were coming to this whole new surface that reaches […]

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