When you adopt a dog, you must account for all of the costs associated with caring for a pet. You’ll have to set aside funds for vet checkups and vaccines. You should visit the vet at least once a year for a checkup and vaccination renewals—your dog’s health depends on it.
Before you decide to avoid scheduling your dog for their yearly checkup or vaccinations to save money, carefully consider the importance of dog vaccines and why you need to keep them up to date—for the sake of your dog, other dogs, and even yourself.
Dog Vaccines Prevent Illnesses
The purpose of a dog vaccine is to protect your companion from preventable illnesses—like contagious viruses such as rabies. An unvaccinated pet, or a pet with an unfinished series of vaccinations, is at risk for contracting serious illnesses that scientists and veterinarians have worked hard to mitigate.
These illnesses, if left unchecked, can result in expensive treatments and procedures that take more money out of your pocket than the vaccinations would have. The disease may put your dog’s life at risk, resulting in a heartbreaking loss of an irreplaceable companion.
Vaccinate Your Dog To Protect Other Dogs
If your dog contracts a contagious disease because they don’t have protection from a vaccine, there’s a chance they could spread it to other dogs—especially if your dog doesn’t show any symptoms. Socializing dogs is an essential part of becoming a dog owner, but socializing an unvaccinated dog is reckless and could put you at risk of legal action from other dog owners.
Some dog diseases are contagious to humans, too—vaccinating your canine companion and completing their vaccination series will keep you safe while playing with your dog.
Many dog care services, such as daycares, dog walkers, and boarding services, recognize the importance of dog vaccines and require all clients to vaccinate their pups before using the service. When learning everything about your dog boarding service or dog care provider, make sure you read their vaccine regulations. A lack of regulations can put your healthy dog in unnecessary danger, while strict vaccine rules will demonstrate a healthy care environment.
Following Your Local Laws
Local and state legislation may also require your dogs to receive their vaccinations. You’ll display the proof of vaccination right on your dog’s collar with dog tags. This way, if your dog ever escapes, anyone who finds them knows how to contact you, and also knows your dog is disease-free.
Why does my dog need vaccinations?
The purpose of a dog vaccine is to protect your companion from preventable illnesses—like contagious viruses such as rabies. An unvaccinated pet, or a pet with an unfinished series of vaccinations, is at risk for contracting serious illnesses that scientists and veterinarians have worked hard to mitigate.
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