Helpful Tips To Know Before You Move to Texas

Helpful Tips To Know Before You Move to Texas

You may be considering relocating to Texas to take advantage of several benefits, such as cheaper living costs and better weather. Before you do, there are a few things to keep in mind to guarantee a smooth transition. Continue reading to explore some helpful tips to know before you move to Texas.

Invest in a Whole Home Water Filter

Texas is notorious for having poor water quality in much of the state. Common issues you might experience include scummy residue from hard water or contaminants, like benzene and acetone, from industrial runoff. Installing a whole-home water filter system can remove these pollutants directly from your main water line, ensuring you get clean water from all your taps.

Prepare Yourself for the Weather

The weather in Texas can be very extreme, even if you’re already used to living in the South. Summers can be brutally hot, with highs regularly being in the mid-90s, while winters are generally milder, with lows in the 60s. You should also brace yourself for potential extreme weather occurrences, such as hurricanes and tornadoes.

Remember That You Can Enjoy Lower Taxes

Texas is one of just a handful of states that don’t impose a state income tax. It also has a relatively low sales tax, which can help on a tight budget. If you’re considering job opportunities in multiple states, this can be a significant incentive.

Know That You’ll Have Deregulated Electricity

Texas is the only state with an isolated electrical grid and features deregulated electrical market, which means that customers can pick their energy provider. This makes it possible to compare several companies to find the right one to fit your needs. However, the isolated electrical infrastructure has limitations—most notably prolonged power outages due to the inability to draw electricity from neighboring states during an emergency.

Get Ready for Plenty of Traffic

The Lone Star State is enormous, and vast expanses of interstate highways cover it to help individuals get around. Unfortunately, one of the main obstacles you will confront is inadequate public transportation. You’ll most likely need a car if you want to get about, and you should be ready for long traffic delays.

These helpful tips to know before you move to Texas can help you better prepare for any hurdles you may experience. However, after you’ve overcome those hurdles, you’ll discover a cozy environment with plenty of flexibility and job opportunities.

Additional Resources:

Rhode Island








About Casey Cartwright

Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.

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