Different Ways To Further Improve Mining Safety

Different Ways To Further Improve Mining Safety

Mining may not be a common profession that comes to mind anymore, but nevertheless, it’s important today. To get necessary rocks and minerals from under the earth’s surface, miners must face life-threatening gases, auditory and visual hazards, and claustrophobic working conditions. Still, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to mitigate these issues. Here are some different ways to further improve mining safety for site managers and miners alike.

Plan Each Day

In mining, as with any industrial profession, it’s crucial to plan ahead for each day’s activities. Whether on the surface or underground, having detailed plans for each workday ensures everyone knows where to go and when. Calculating the best approaches to streamline this process further ensures each day goes smoothly and efficiently. To keep miners out of harm’s way, understand which machinery you’ll need for the day, as well as any explosives, chemicals, or other potential safety hazards.

Wear PPE

Of course, it goes without saying that workers must wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times. Mining is a labor-intensive job with exposure to physical hazards. Make sure all miners wear sturdy clothing and accessories in the work environment, including closed-toed boots, goggles, hard hats, long pants, shirts, etc. These clothes must fit well to mitigate issues like falls or snags, which can pose life-threatening risks. Immediately replace any loose or torn clothing, and never allow workers into hazardous zones if they’re not wearing their PPE.

Have Safety Protocols on Hand

While certainly, there are steps one can take to reduce workplace accidents, most often, site managers and workers face too much stress to complete the day to focus on training and safety protocols. It may help to hire industrial safety consultants who study, train, and implement safety protocols in mining and other industries. Safety consultants can also certify mining companies in Avetta safety compliance to ensure their companies follow and maintain all necessary industrial compliance to protect their employees. These safety programs standardize learning through teaching the same training and knowledge for all employees. That way, everyone understands the protocols in place.

Maintain Equipment

Lastly, neglected mining equipment is a surefire way to increase workplace accidents and fatalities. One way to further improve mining safety is to maintain all equipment. Older and defective equipment is a major workplace hazard. Clean and repair all excavators, drill rigs, rock dusters, ventilation devices, elevator shafts, and any other equipment on the surface and underground. Otherwise, dirt, dust, and grime will build up, making these tools harder to work with and potentially causing them to malfunction.

About Casey Cartwright

Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.

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