5 Things You Have to Know When Downsizing Your Home

There are a wide plethora of different reasons why you may either currently be downsizing your home or else are considering doing just that, and just like anyone else who is moving house, you will be undoubtedly be experiencing a strange mix of excitement and trepidation at the same time.

With this in mind and in an attempt to helpfully provide a sense of calm and reduce your levels of stress, continue reading to learn of five things you have to know when downsizing your home.

1.   Declutter

Everyone, even those who claim to live a minimalist kind of lifestyle, has at some point or another held onto an object, an item of clothing, or even old handbags and shoes which you know you will never use or wear again, yet for some reason cannot bear to part with them.

However, when you are downsizing your home, it is absolutely essential to painstakingly go through each and every room in your old property to throw away, donate or gift absolutely everything that you no longer use or even no longer care for.

2.   Be Space Savvy

When downsizing your home, it is important to also look into space-saving storage options, smaller and foldable tables, chairs, and even beds, and to essentially plan to use all the available space in a practical way.

Suggestions to help you utilize and make the proverbial most of the smaller interior living spaces include:

3.   Measure Your New Rooms

Another excellent suggestion when downsizing your home is to visit the apartment or house before you move in and take some accurate and thorough measurements of each room.

This way, you will have a strong idea of how much room you actually have and can make your decisions on what to take, what to get rid of, and what to send to self-storage in good time before your official moving date.

4.   The One Year Rule

The One Year Rule is a fantastic way to help you ascertain what you will actually need in this new chapter of your life in your smaller home.

Basically, as you may well have already guessed, when going through your closet, your kitchen cupboards, your garage, and your bathroom, if you have not used it for at least a year (although extra time may be allowed for the lockdowns of the pandemic), you simply do not need it, and clearly, you do not want it either.

5.   Arrange a Housewarming

Finally, one of the best things about downsizing, as whenever you move to a new house in a new area or else just around the corner from your old property, is that this is the absolutely perfect excuse to throw one hell of a housewarming party once you have moved in.

What is more, with your new smaller space, you may well have to throw more than one more intimate party, which gives you even more excuse to crack out the champagne and will probably result in more housewarming gifts too!

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