How Much Compensation Should You Ask for Your Personal Injuries and Losses

Compensation Should You Ask for Your Personal Injuries

As a plaintiff in a personal injury case wanting to secure maximum compensation for the harm caused to you by a negligent party, you want to know the amount to ask for your losses. This amount depends on the evidence that shows the liability of the defendant and the circumstances of your case. 

Before you can negotiate a fair settlement, you must calculate first how much compensation to seek. Your attorney’s website can provide you with ideas on what can be included in your calculations. But consulting directly with them will help you make informed decisions. In addition, when you decide on the damages you want to settle for, ensure you know the possible award a jury may grant when you take your case to court. 

How to Calculate Your Personal Injury Compensation

Calculating economic damages can be done by adding up your injury-related expenses such as medical bills, property damage, and lost wages. But when it comes to calculating non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, there is no objective method that can be used. In general, personal injury attorneys use the Pier Diem Method and the Multiplier method. 

Expenses You Can Include When You Calculate Your Damages

The following are expenses that apply as you recover from your injuries. 

  • Medical expenses. Your medical bills, which include your medical treatment, hospital stay, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and other related expense, make up a big part of your injury compensation. Your medical bills and records can be used as evidence that links your injuries your injury to the accident they resulted from. 
  • Lost income. The work you missed because of your injuries can be included in your injury claim. You can be compensated for things like wages, bonuses, benefits, and promotions you did not get while you recuperate. 
  • Property damage. If your property sustained damage due to the accident, you can calculate this damage into your claim. This can apply to claims that involve car accidents. 

Can You Win Your Case?

As you file an injury claim, you must be unbiased when evaluating your chances of winning your case. Thus, you must consider the evidence against you and the one in your favor. Also, you must assess the witness’s credibility and learn about the previous judgments in your specific jurisdiction. So, before you determine how much demand from the other party, you must evaluate your chances of winning at trial. A personal injury attorney can be of great help to you in this assessment. 

About Saif Jan

A great passionate about learning new things, Blogger and An SEO consultant. Contact me at [email protected]

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