4 Tips for Becoming a Successful Bartender

4 Tips for Becoming a Successful Bartender

There’s something alluring about the bartending side of the restaurant. Whether they are there to chat it up with customers or make beautiful drinks, bartenders come with years of experience and trustworthy knowledge that keep customers coming back.

If you’re a new bartender or want to sharpen your skills, here are four tips for becoming a successful bartender, no matter where you go. Remember, confidence is critical and will help you improve.

Get the Right Certifications

No matter where you live, having the correct certifications allows you to become a successful bartender. Stay aware of your local bartending laws and use local resources to take up-to-date courses.

While going to bartending school is an excellent way to learn the basics, working as a back bar or server will provide you with years of experience and stay current with bartending laws and rules. Once you’ve obtained the state-approved certifications, you can proceed with bartending.

Keep Your Guests Happy

If you want to make money and have repeat customers, you must keep guests happy. This means getting to know them, breaking up heated discussions or fights, and allowing them to confide in you.

Additionally, you need to establish trust between you and the customer. They want to trust your judgment and drink crafting skills. Ignoring the customers can result in disgruntled, unsatisfied experiences. Even if the drinks were delicious, it doesn’t mean that the customer left happy.

Manage Your Stress

It’s no secret that being a bartender is a stressful career. You have to serve dozens of people simultaneously with little to no breaks, and you can get lousy tips for high-quality service. Not to mention having negative experiences with stubborn or frustrated customers, leaving you feeling overwhelmed or angry.

You must learn to manage your stress levels. A tip for preventing bartender burnout is maintaining a work-life balance. Try not to work an exhausting schedule with little time to care for yourself. Learn how to step away from negative situations and flip into positive ones.

Be Versatile and Knowledgeable

When your customer asks you the difference between an IPA and a red ale, you don’t want to stare blankly at them and give them a made-up answer. Your customers depend on you for beverage and menu knowledge, so whip out textbooks and articles and communicate with the staff on how to retain menu information. That way, you can effortlessly provide answers for your customers and help them feel satisfied with their orders.

Being a bartender can be an exhausting yet rewarding job. You get to meet people every day, socialize, gain experience, and learn all about beverages and cuisine.

About Casey Cartwright

Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.

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