Your body is a complex machine that works independently and deals with various situations depending on personal choices and lifestyle. It is sometimes challenging to know exactly what you ingest, especially when tiny bacteria and viruses live in even the healthiest foods.
These five natural remedies to relieve food poisoning could help you stop and prevent stomach problems that could lead to more serious consequences. When experiencing food poisoning symptoms, it is essential to call your doctor for further assistance, but you can act quickly using natural products.
Keep Hydrated
Your stomach will react to food poisoning by disposing of everything that goes in it, disallowing you to properly digest solids or liquids. This sudden purge will lead to dehydration, which can cause more problems long-term if you don’t act on it as soon as possible. You must keep drinking water to help your body clean itself out; you can also try a rehydration solution of water, sugar, and salt to provide your body with the necessary electrolytes. Remember to take little sips at a time.
Ginger and Lemon
Mixing ginger and lemon is a natural solution that will stop vomiting and diarrhea while giving your body balance and peace. These two elements have anti-inflammatory properties that will help improve digestion and dispose of the bacteria quicker. Ginger will help your body decrease its heightened blood pressure, regulating your hormones while relaxing your body and reducing nausea.
Green Salads
Leafy salads mixed with honey and fruit, such as mandarin orange slices, will effectively fight food poisoning symptoms. For this technique to work, it is essential that you know how to wash leafy greens properly because they have a protective layer that could contain other bacteria. Eating a low-carb, fat, and sugar diet is essential to let your body recover quicker. It’s best to eat these foods well after your stomach has settled.
Garlic Mix
Garlic is a remedy that acts like a cleanser in your body, not only for food poisoning; you can ingest it regularly to keep your system clean and active. Eating raw or cooked garlic boosts your immune system, especially when mixed with other ingredients, such as lemon. Natural remedies that combat food poisoning have unique properties, such as vitamins and antioxidants, that keep your body strong.
A Spoonful of Natural Oil
Taking a spoonful of a natural oil is one of the most effective ways your body can quickly recover from food poisoning. Natural oils, such as olive or cod liver, will cause a natural reaction in your stomach, forcing your intestines to process everything quicker, including some bacteria. It may not taste great, but it will help get the job done. Try adding a squeeze of lemon and honey to help cut the bitter taste.
Preparing and eating food comes with certain risks, especially when it’s not cooked properly. However, these five natural remedies can help you relieve your food poisoning symptoms and deliver good results.
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